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Texas Diversity Training

Texas child care providers know the importance of finding quality training courses in all of the 9 Core Competency Areas to fulfill their annual training requirements. While most states have competency areas child care providers must divide their annual training requirements into, Texas has put specific emphasis on Diversity and Dual Language Learners. In order to address the specific needs of the population in the state of Texas, providers must be aware of the diversity among the children and families they serve. When providers are culturally aware and embrace diversity in their programs, children and their families feel welcome and included. 

Texas’ Core Competency Area 6: Diversity and Dual Language Learners specifically asks providers to teach awareness, acceptance, and appreciation of others. As a minority, woman owned company, H&H Child Care Training Center knows the importance of teaching and promoting acceptance and diversity with young children. H&H offers over 150 child care training courses to Texas providers to fulfill annual training requirements. Take a look at some of our specific trainings regarding culture and diversity.

As H&H continues to grow, so does our selection of training courses. Each week new courses are added to help Texas providers fulfill requirements in all of the Core Competency Areas. Check out our website for a full list of courses available to you.

Courses & Classes related to Texas

Online Trainings

In-person/blended trainings

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