Identify ways to examine child behavior to prepare for guidance. #5054

Identify ways to examine child behavior to prepare for guidance.

Prepare for guidance in child behavior by identifying ways to examine child behavior. Understand the requirements of Child Care Subsidy, Child and Adult Food Program, MSDE Child Care Credential, Tiered Reimbursement, and the Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund to support early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify guidance and discipline strategies to use with various behavior problems.
  2. Identify factors that may influence learning for a child in the family child care environment.
  3. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Teacher directed vs child directed
  4. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development
  5. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  6. Identify ways home visitors work across the child welfare continuum.
  7. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development.
  8. Identify and demonstrate positive guidance techniques that promote social competency and pro-social behavior.
  9. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development.
  10. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  11. Identify responses to typical daily child care scenarios with solutions that are aligned with Child Care Regulations
  12. Identify the types of barriers children's with disabilities/special needs face and ways to adapt curriculum to fit those needs.
  13. Identify the aspects of establishing a family child care business.
  14. Identify parenting styles and the influence those styles have on child development
  15. Identify different types of barriers for mixed ages with disabilities and ways to adapt curriculum to fit their needs.
  16. Identify strategies in promoting sound health and safety principles for in child care.
  17. Identify strategies to promote cultural diversity and acceptance in the child care environment
  18. Identify theorists of guidance and discipline
  19. Identify the appropriate forms and procedures for reporting child abuse and neglect
  20. Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect

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