Alabama Training Requirements - post

Alabama Training Requirements

Alabama Training Requirements

Directors in Alabama need to have at least twenty (20) clock hours of training in administration and management and at least four (4) clock hours of training in quality child care and a CDA.

ChildCareEd offers Child Care Administration a 30-clock hour training course that covers program planning and development, professionalism and leadership, and developing and maintaining a successful program. ChildCareEd also offers the 120 hours of CDA training required to obtain a CDA.

Teachers in Alabama need to have at least twelve (12) clock hours of training within the first 30 days of employment. Training needs to be in the following areas:

  • child development
  • health, safety, and universal precautions
  • quality child care and licensing
  • the childcare professional and the family
  • language development
  • positive discipline and guidance

ChildCareEd offers a variety of courses in all of these required areas including:

Visit ChildCareEd today and complete all of your training requirements.

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