CDA Training Online - post

CDA Training Online

image in article CDA Training Online

The pandemic has created devasting worldwide impacts in all aspects of life, and the childcare workforce was no exception.  With parents struggling to find reliable high-quality childcare in addition to worrying about their own job security, it is no wonder stress has reached an all-time high.  

Understandably, local and federal governments have been grappling with various ways to help its citizens return back to the workforce and back to a normal way of life again.  The current administration is looking to enact “The Build Back Better Act” which will help make quality childcare more affordable for families.  They are also hoping to increase wages for the childcare professional, as historically, childcare workers have struggled with low wages and poor benefits, proportionate with public school teachers in their state who have comparable qualifications and experience.           

High quality childcare starts with its teachers, and a way teachers can achieve this high quality is with their training and credentialing.    To ensure that teachers can take advantage of the Build Back Better Act, we here at H&H Child Care Training are offering the 120-hour Preschool CDA online course for free for a limited time.  To see a full list of our special discounts and offers, please visit our website here and register for your next online class today!       

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