ADA Training Requirements for Child Care Staff in Maryland - post

ADA Training Requirements for Child Care Staff in Maryland

image in article ADA Training Requirements for Child Care Staff in MarylandAs the landscape of child care evolves to become more inclusive and accommodating, child care professionals in Maryland must be well-versed in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Ensuring that child care facilities are equipped to provide quality care for children with disabilities is not only a legal requirement but also a moral imperative. In Maryland, meeting ADA training requirements is a crucial step toward creating an inclusive environment where all children can thrive.

The Americans with Disabilities Act, passed in 1990, prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and public and private places that are open to the general public. For child care facilities, adhering to the ADA means ensuring equal access and opportunities for children with disabilities, as well as implementing reasonable accommodations to support their participation in programs and activities.

Training Requirements

To meet the ADA training requirements mandated by the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), child care #staff in Maryland must undergo training that provides an overview of the ADA and its basic requirements for child care programs. The ONLY training approved by MSDE to fulfill the requirement is titled "Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities Act". In compliance with MSDE regulations, this training must be given in an instructor-led format.  Child care staff are obligated to undergo ADA training, and to refresh their knowledge every five years.

ChildCareEd’s Training

ChildCareEd provides the training that fulfills this requirement "Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities Act" and utilizes the Zoom format to accommodate providers all over the state.

ChildCareEd's training program offers participants a comprehensive understanding of the ADA and its implications for child care settings. The training covers fundamental aspects of the ADA, including its key provisions and requirements relevant to child care programs. Participants gain valuable knowledge and skills related to meaningful inclusion practices and accommodations for children with disabilities.

It's important to note that while ChildCareEd's training provides a solid foundation in ADA compliance for child care professionals, it is not intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to addressing the diverse needs of every child with a disability. Rather, it offers a broad overview of the ADA and basic inclusionary practices. 

In addition to formal training programs, child care facilities in Maryland can seek guidance and resources from nationally recognized agencies like the Mid-Atlantic ADA Law Center, which offers expertise in ADA compliance and provides valuable resources tailored to the needs of child care providers.


The "Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities Act" training was developed in collaboration with several key agencies, including: 

  • Maryland Family Network
  • Abilities Network Project ACT
  • Child Resource Connect (formerly Prince George’s Child Resource Center)
  • Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council

This collaborative effort underscores the commitment of these organizations to promoting inclusivity and ensuring that child care professionals have access to high-quality training that aligns with regulatory requirements and best practices.

In conclusion, ADA training is a critical component of ensuring that child care facilities in Maryland are equipped to provide inclusive and supportive environments for children with disabilities. Child care professionals play a pivotal role in promoting the well-being and #development of all children, and by undergoing ADA training, they demonstrate their dedication to upholding the principles of equality and accessibility. With resources like ChildCareEd's training program, child care staff can enhance their knowledge and skills to better meet the needs of every child in their care, fostering a #culture of inclusivity and empowerment within the child care community.


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