Maryland Child Care Training Requirments for Centers and Home Daycare - post

Maryland Child Care Training Requirments for Centers and Home Daycare

image in article Maryland Child Care Training Requirments for Centers and Home DaycareMaryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Training Requirements

MSDE continuously updates training requirements. Stay in the loop of new and current child care regulations by visiting Almost everyone will be affected by one or more of these training regulations:

ADA Training Requirements: Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA)
All family child care providers, including assistant teachers in large family homes, and all child care center directors, teachers and assistant teachers are required to take this class.

Medication Administration Training for Family Child Care Providers
All family child care providers must now be trained in Medication Administration. If you have already taken the Medication Administration training, you will not need to take it again. H&H offers the Medication Administration Training each month, taught by a licened/approved Nurse. Medication can only be administered to a child in care by an individual who has completed the approved training.

Supporting Breastfeeding Practices in Childcare
Staff in any program approved for infant and toddler care (group and family programs) must complete approved training in breastfeeding practices. H&H offers a two hour COK course, Supporting Breastfeeding Practices in Childcare, both online an inclass. Click here to register for our next upcoming class

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