Recognize the needs of individualized learning in preschool. #4177

Recognize the needs of individualized learning in preschool.

Recognize the needs of individualized learning in preschool and family child care. Providing a comprehensive understanding of early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

  Online alternative course          Online & Zoom          Instructor-led/In-person          Zoom only          Online       

120 hours courses

45 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 4.5 CEUs

30 hours courses
IACET accredited logo 3 CEUs

3 hours courses
  Online alternative course          Online & Zoom          Instructor-led/In-person          Zoom only          Online       

Related Outcomes

  1. Recognize the needs of individualized learning for infants and toddlers.
  2. Recognize the needs of individualized learning in family child care.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of observational techniques to track skill development and individual need
  4. Recognize ways to incorporate learning activities in the classroom that would normalize breastfeeding.
  5. Recognize theory and theorist in relation to child development and approaches to learning.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of individualized learning
  7. Identify factors that may influence learning for a child in the preschool environment.
  8. Describe how materials, equipment, environment, and staff meet the individual needs for children
  9. Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs.
  10. Demonstrate understanding of scaffolding as a method for individualized learning.
  11. Demonstrate assessment techniques to track skill development and individual need.
  12. Identify different learning styles and how to differentiate instruction to meet a child's needs.
  13. Demonstrate understanding of how learning occurs in children and the role of play in learning
  14. Identify the types of barriers children's with disabilities/special needs face and ways to adapt curriculum to fit those needs.
  15. Demonstrate understanding of observational techniques to track skill development and individual need.
  16. Identify the need to maintain individual feeding schedules for infants.
  17. Recognize informal and formal assessments to plan activities, individualize programs, and improve program quality.
  18. Demonstrate understanding of how to assess and meet the needs of children with special needs

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