Let's Play - post

Let's Play

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Child care providers spend much of their day monitoring and facilitating play with young children. But did you know just how important that play is to healthy development in all areas? 

Play is the foundation to healthy brain development in young children and paves the way to formal education in later years. Children practice and reinforce their learning in multiple areas during play. Play provides rich learning opportunities and leads to children’s success and self-esteem. Play helps children grow emotionally. It is joyful and provides an outlet for anxiety and stress. Play helps children grow strong and healthy. It also counteracts obesity issues facing many children today.

Did you know there are different types of play? Each type of play serves its own purpose in the development of young children. Child care providers can learn this and so much more through H&H Child Care Training Center’s online training course Playful Spaces for Infants & Toddlers. In this 3 hour training, providers will discover the benefits of play and how they can support children through play. Additional training courses that focus on play include, The Best Promotion is Play and Role of Play in Learning.

In addition to child care training courses on play, H&H has over 200 online training courses in all topic areas. We are adding new trainings weekly so check our website often. We aim to deliver quality training that supports best practices in child care.

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