Mandated Reporters - post

Mandated Reporters


image in article Mandated ReportersIn most states, child care providers are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse and neglect. Understanding the process and what to look for can mean all the difference in a child who is being abused or neglected. Child care providers working with all age groups, in all settings, and in all states will benefit from learning and understanding the types of abuse children could be subjected to as well as the signs and symptoms of these types of abuse. 

Mandated Reporters is a 3-hour online training presented by H&H Child Care Training Center (ChildCareEd). This training will discuss:

  • Who is a mandated reporter.
  • Types of abuse and their signs and symptoms.
  • How reports are completed.

It is vital that everyone working with children take the time to fully understand how to protect our youngest citizens. Without the help of trusted adults, children suffering from abuse and neglect will likely continue to suffer. Child care providers and educators often spend many hours a day with children and are able to pick up on irregularities, inconsistencies, and red flags that a child could be suffering abuse or neglect. However, oftentimes possible abuse and neglect goes unreported due to lack of knowledge or fear. It is our duty as child care providers to seek training in reporting so that another child does not go unnoticed. 

If you enjoy this training, take a look at the over 150 other trainings H&H (ChildCareEd) offers. Be sure to check the website often as new training courses are added each week.

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