Emergency Preparedness training - post

Emergency Preparedness training

Emergency Preparedness

Natural and manmade disasters can happen anywhere and at any time, usually when we least expect them. Young children are the most vulnerable in these situations as they are often physically and/or developmentally unable to protect themselves. It is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to plan and prepare to the best of their ability. Emergency plans are an important tool in knowing what to do in the event that an emergency happens while children are in your care. Creating an emergency plan gives child care providers an opportunity to think of how to respond to various scenarios before they happen. Emergency preparedness training offers tools that can help you and your program with disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. 

In the state of Maryland, child care facilities and family child care providers are required to complete Emergency Preparedness Training and develop an emergency preparedness plan. H & H Childcare Training Center offers Emergency and Disaster Preparedness training. This training will provide child care facilities and family child care providers with a solid plan they will be able to implement in their work with children.

Upon completion of the course participants will be able tol:

Describing a disaster: define, and tell what may happen when a disaster hits.
Demonstrate ways to help prevent or prepare for emergencies and disasters
Identify the elements of an emergency preparedness plan
Identify required emergency documentation
List the disaster supply kit inventory
Explain additional provisions for children with special needs
Produce an emergency preparedness plan

Don’t wait to prepare for the unthinkable, it could be too late.

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