Adaptations that support children's learning - post

Adaptations that support children's learning

Children with disabilities, like any other child, respond positively to materials they feel cater to their needs. Components of materials and the classroom may still need adaptations depending on the need. Adaptations change how a child learns something. This entails making changes or accommodations to the environment, materials, or equipment.

Examples of adaptations:

  • Rearrange furniture to accommodate a wheelchair or other physical disability.
  • Use a picture schedule to show the different daily activities.
  • Add additional outdoor time to accommodate children who need additional gross motor practice.
  • Add movement activities to storytime for children who have trouble staying focused and engaged.
  • Extend the length of choice time to give children time to finish a game or painting activity.
  • Make a paintbrush thicker by adding a piece of foam.
  • Put silly putty around a crayon to help with grip.
  • Reduce the number of steps a child is expected to follow.

Always consider the child’s interests, preferences, life experiences, culture, personality, home language, motivators, family values and traditions, skills and abilities, knowledge, needs, and family structure. Before making decisions about adaptations.

Interested in learning more ways to support all children? H&H Child Care Training Center offers several different training courses that provide strategies for modifications and accommodations.

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