Missouri Start-up Grants are Available - post

Missouri Start-up Grants are Available

image in article Missouri Start-up Grants are AvailableThe Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is offering a funding opportunity through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Discretionary child care relief funds. The grant period extends from the date of the awarded application to September 30, 2024, to increase access to licensed child care programs in "child care deserts" in Missouri. Child care deserts are counties with fewer than one licensed child care slot for every three children under the age of six, as outlined in the 2022 Early Care & Education Needs Assessment.

To be eligible for this funding, the provider must be the entity that filed the Application for License to Operate a Child Care Facility. The provider cannot already be licensed at the application location and cannot have received funding from DESE child care relief funds for another start-up grant at the same location.

The scope of work involves becoming a new #child_care program licensed by August 31, 2024. Allowable uses of funds include minor remodeling, outdoor equipment, child furniture, materials and supplies, sleeping equipment, #staff onboarding expenses, staff salaries, and lease or rent costs associated with the child care facility. However, funds cannot be used for purchasing food, vehicles, buildings, land, or major renovations.

The provider must submit the Application for License to Operate a Child Care Facility and a paper application for Start-up a New Child Care Program, detailing how the relief funds will support the new licensed child care program. Awards for start-up operations vary based on the facility's capacity, with a maximum total amount ranging from $26,500 to $187,500.

Steps for Start-up a New Child Care Program – Licensed using Child Care Relief Funds:

  • Purpose:
    • The funding supports new, licensed child care programs in child care desert areas of Missouri.
    • The grant period is from the date of the awarded application through September 30, 2024.
  • Definition of Child Care Deserts:
    • Child care deserts are counties in Missouri with fewer than one licensed child care slot for every three children under the age of six.
  • Eligible Applicants:
    • Entities wanting to operate a new, licensed child care program in a child care desert area.
    • The entity must be licensed by August 31, 2024, and either has not operated in the location listed on the application or under the specified name and location.
  • Requirements:
    • Submit a completed Application for License to Operate a Child Care Facility form to the local child care office before applying for relief funds.
    • Complete a paper application for Start-up a New Child Care Program, including a program description of how relief funds will be used.
  • Due Date:
    • The deadline to apply is February 6, 2024.
  • Application Process:
    • Review Terms & Conditions on the Child Care Start-up - Licensed webpage before applying.
    • Select the Paper Application from the webpage, complete it, and submit it with supporting documentation via email or postal mail.
  • Payment Process:
    • Complete E-verify, which must be on file with the State of Missouri.
    • Ensure up-to-date paid taxes – Verification of Vendor No Tax Due is required.
    • Payments will be made through the MissouriBUYS state system.
      • Register on MissouriBUYS following the step-by-step instructions.
  • Follow Up:
    • After completing the application, contact 573-415-8951, extension 1, or ChildCareRelief@dese.mo.gov for questions.
    • Include your name, type of application, and DVN in the email message.

By following these steps, entities can apply for and receive Child Care Relief Funds to establish new licensed child care programs in designated areas of Missouri.

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