Home Visitor CDA Subject Area 7 - post

Home Visitor CDA Subject Area 7

image in article Home Visitor CDA Subject Area 7Those individuals seeking to obtain a Home Visitor CDA must complete 120 clock hours of professional development with no fewer than 10 hours in each of the eight CDA Subject Areas.

The Home Visitor CDA Subject Area 7 focuses on working across the child welfare continuum.

ChildCareEd has developed three training courses covering Home Visitor CDA Subject Area 7. These courses are 5 hours each for a total of 15 hours in order to meet the 10-hour minimum in each subject area. 

CDA Home Visitor Subject Area 7 Part 1 Birth to 5 focuses on the Home Visitor’s need to maintain cultural sensitivity in their work with all families. In the child welfare system, home visitors' goals consist of protecting children and strengthening families. Family-centered practices including a culturally sensitive approach, can prevent child abuse and neglect as well as provide children with safety, stability, and continued well-being. Keeping in mind the various circumstances of the families involved in the home visitor program, professionals need to be sensitive to diverse factors that influence family dynamics.

CDA Home Visitor Subject Area 7 Part 2 Birth to 5 discusses comprehensive family assessments as a way to form the basis of effective practice in home visiting and to identify individual and family strengths and protective factors. These assessments help workers meet the needs of families and use resources efficiently.

CDA Home Visitor Subject Area 7 Part 3 Birth to 5 looks at the types of services Home Visitors provide and the unique family populations they work with. Home visitors serve in a variety of different family situations. Most home visiting services are geared toward particular subpopulations. This work is so significant because of the profound importance of pregnancy, the newborn period, and the first five years of life for the child's lifelong development.



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