World Heart Day - post

World Heart Day

image in article World Heart Day

Created by the World Heart Federation, World Heart Day informs people around the globe that cardiovascular disease (CVD), including heart disease and stroke, is the world's leading cause of death claiming 18.6 million lives each year, and highlights the actions that individuals can take to prevent and control CVD.

It aims to drive action to educate people that by controlling risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided.

World Heart Day is a global campaign during which individuals, families, communities, and governments around the world participate in activities to take charge of their heart health and that of others. 

Promote World Heart Day with your class by discussing healthy habits and creating heart crafts to bring attention to the importance of heart health. Even if children cannot understand concepts such as cardiovascular disease, they can understand the importance of healthy living. Additionally, by decorating the classroom or center with heart-related items, you can encourage families and staff to consider their own health and take action to control risk factors of cardiovascular disease. 

Consider having children make Heart Suncatchers to hang in the classroom. 

To make a heart suncatcher you will need:

  • Red paper
  • Clear contact paper
  • Tissue paper squares
  • Sequins, glitter, and other relatively flat embellishments

Start by cutting a heart frame out of your paper.

Cut a piece of contact paper that is larger than the heart, lay the heart on top of the contact paper, and trim off the excess.

Have children apply their decorations.

When they are finished decorating their heart, cut another piece of contact paper and lay it over the top to seal.


World Heart Day. World Heart Foundation. (2022).

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