Presidents' Day Activities - post

Presidents' Day Activities

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The Significance of Presidents' Day


To many students, Presidents’ Day means a day off or even a week if they are lucky. But what exactly is the holiday all about?

The third Monday of every February is celebrated in the United States as Presidents Day. The day is intended to honor all American Presidents, but most significantly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln - the two most respected US Presidents. Click for Full Article...


“Presidents’ Day” Doesn’t Actually Exist (

The third Monday in February—you may have been told—is the day we celebrate all United States presidents. Or it's a mash-up memorialization of the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. But neither of those is correct. 

This misunderstanding has been slowly brewing for nearly fifty years, but here’s the truth: on the federal level, officially, there is no such thing as Presidents’ Day. Click for Full Article...

There is a wide range of ages and activities at these sites. Lots of good ideas to collect and make your own.

Activities, Worksheets, and Crafts for Presidents' Day []

Browse Presidents' Day Educational Resources []


*Archived from H&H's Constant Contact Newsletter [2.18.2022]

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