Make Your Voice Heard: Participate in the Johns Hopkins University School of Education Survey - post

Make Your Voice Heard: Participate in the Johns Hopkins University School of Education Survey

image in article Make Your Voice Heard: Participate in the Johns Hopkins University School of Education SurveyAs professionals in the field of #early-childhood-education (ECE), your insights and recommendations are invaluable in shaping the future of child care in Maryland. The Johns Hopkins University School of Education invites you to participate in a survey focused on ECE in the state. By sharing your experiences and suggestions, not only can you earn a Participation Acknowledgment Unit (PAU), but you also have a chance to win a $100 gift card. This survey provides a unique platform for you to influence how the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) can better support ECE #educators and childcare providers.

PAU’s and The Maryland Child Care Credential Program

The Maryland Child Care Credential Program recognizes the vital role that ECE educators and childcare providers play in the lives of young children. This program sets forth requirements for professional growth and career #development in the child care field. A significant component of this program is the attainment of Participation Acknowledgment Units (PAUs), which signify your active involvement in activities that enhance the quality of child care and advance the profession.

Professional Activities That Matter

Participating in the survey offered by Johns Hopkins University School of Education is not just an opportunity to earn a PAU; it's a chance to have your voice heard and contribute to positive change. Professional activities that result in the acquisition of PAUs are those that:

  • Engage with the Broader Aspect of ECE: By taking the survey, you're actively participating in discussions about the field of #early-childhood education and school-age care. Your input can shape the direction of ECE in Maryland.
  • Share Knowledge and Expertise: Your insights benefit not only your colleagues within the profession but also those outside the field. The survey allows you to share your valuable knowledge to improve the lives of young children.
  • Support Workforce Development: Your involvement in this professional activity can directly support the workforce's #growth-and-development in ECE. Your recommendations may lead to enhanced programs and policies, ultimately benefiting both ECE professionals and the children they serve.
  • Increase Competence and Effectiveness: Your experiences and recommendations are a powerful tool for enhancing your own competence and effectiveness when working with children in child care. Your insights can help you become an even better educator or provider.

Participate and Make a Difference

Participating in the survey is a meaningful way to invest in your professional development, share your knowledge, and help shape the future of early childhood education in Maryland. Your contributions can lead to improvements in ECE practices, policies, and programs, ultimately enhancing the quality of child care and the outcomes for children.

To join this crucial conversation and have a chance to win a $100 gift card, please take the survey at Your voice matters, and together, we can make a positive impact on early childhood education in Maryland.

Remember, PAUs are an essential part of achieving and maintaining your Maryland Child Care Credential level, but they also signify your commitment to the growth and betterment of the profession. 

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