Let’s Get Physical! - post

Let’s Get Physical!

image in article Let’s Get Physical!

We have all heard how physical activity is good for you, but have we ever wondered what benefits it provides children? We know children need to run and develop their gross motor muscles, but what other benefits does running after a ball have?

According to early childhood research by ACT Health, some common benefits of regular physical activity for children are:

  • Healthy growth and development
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes, obesity, and some cancers later in life
  • Building strong hearts, muscles, and bones
  • Learning fundamental movements and skills
  • Improved balance, coordination, and reaction time
  • Increased well being
  • Improved social skills, self-esteem, and confidence.

Children need at least 3 hours of physical activity spread throughout their day to reap these benefits. As children get ready to leave for summer vacation be sure to share ideas with your parents to ensure each child continues to receive their share of Active Play!

We here at ChildCareEd have created courses to help you create lessons and compile ideas to share with parents on how to get children moving and provide that active play they need:

Theory of Learning

Play, Learn, Grow

ChildCareEd Courses grant .2 CEUs or more as well as awarding state approved clock hours of 2 or more for all childcare centers, and family childcare providers in many states.  Check with your licensing agency to check for any additional requirements and to see if we are approved in your home state.  Click here to search our vast list of courses and schedule your next online training today!     

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