Explain how theory is reflective in the child care environment. #5053

Explain how theory is reflective in the child care environment.

Explore the relationship between development theories and adolescence in the child care environment. Discover how theory informs and influences the practices and strategies used in early childhood education and child care centers. Gain a deeper understanding of how theory shapes the experiences and outcomes of children in the child care setting.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify and understand the requirements of Child Care Subsidy (POC), Child and Adult Food Program, MSDE Child Care Credential, Tiered Reimbursement, and the Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund
  2. Demonstrate how theory is reflective in the child care environment: Relationship between development theories & adolescence
  3. Demonstrate how theory is reflective in the child care environment
  4. Demonstrate how theory is reflective in the child care environment for infants and toddlers.
  5. Demonstrate how theory is reflective in the child care environment.
  6. Identify responses to typical daily child care scenarios with solutions that are aligned with Child Care Regulations
  7. Identify factors that may influence learning for a child in the family child care environment.
  8. Identify Office of Child Care Regulations that monitors the environment for children, staff, and families
  9. Define the term inclusion and how it relates to the child care environment and practice for all ages.
  10. Define the term inclusion and how it relates to the child care environment and practice
  11. Describe the importance of monitoring the family child care environment for potential risks.
  12. Explain the different forms and documents needed in child care.
  13. Identify strategies to promote cultural diversity and acceptance in the child care environment
  14. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development. Identify strategies for working with children with special needs
  15. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of schedules and consistency in a child care environment.
  16. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development.
  17. Identify strategies to promote cultural diversity and acceptance in the child care environment.
  18. Describe strategies and experiences to promote collaboration between child and youth care professionals and programs and other professionals involved in the care and education of all children and youth.
  19. Demonstrate an understanding how to maintain a safe environment under the guidance of the Office of Child Care Regulations.

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