Learning Styles - post

Learning Styles

image in article Learning StylesPeople all experience and learn about the world differently, and this is especially true of children. Educators need to be aware of the different learning styles and how to plan instruction around them.

Learning styles and preferences take on a variety of forms. Most learners align with the following styles:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic

It is important to determine how a child learns best so they are able to connect with the topics you’re teaching, as well as participate with the rest of the class.

Visual learners prefer the use of visual aids (e.g. diagrams, pictures, written directions). These children will benefit from having a visual picture schedule detailing their day as well as pictures around the classroom with corresponding written words to begin their association with objects and the written word. 

Auditory learners learn more from sound such as listening to the teacher or listening to books on tape. Auditory learners learn best when instruction includes opportunities to discuss, whether it is in whole-group or in small groups. Teachers can also include video clips and music to engage auditory learners.

Kinesthetic learners are the ones who can't sit still during circle time. Also known as "tactile learners," these students prefer acting out events or using their hands and fingers in order to understand new information and concepts being taught. When planning instruction, teachers should make sure to incorporate activities where students are moving and are doing, rather than listening or seeing. 

Interested in learning more about Learning Styles and how to support them in the classroom? Visit H&H Child Care Training Center and register for one of these courses today.

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