Seeing All of Me: Overview of Autism and ADHD IN ZOOM Classroom - 03/18/2024 - #4515

Included with Subscription

Seeing All of Me: Overview of Autism and ADHD - $25

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Course description:

This is a 2-HR version of the What Makes Me Special Course and is intended to assist educators in recognizing the typical signs and symptoms of children diagnosed with Autism or ADHD. Once early childhood educators are able to recognize the signs, they will have a better understanding of how to alter their classroom environments to better accommodate students with diverse needs.

Primary Teacher:
Shauna Bastian

Session Info: No Sessions yet, check back soon.
$25 non-refundable
Zoom 1
Online ZOOM , ZOOM Classroom,
Start date:
End date:
This is an On-Site Training for staff members at Bright Horizons- Maryland Child Development Center.

The class will start promptly at 12:00 PM. Please be prepared to participate in the class by contributing to large and small group discussions, engaging in activities prepared by the trainer, and answering questions posed by the trainer.

At the end of the class, all participants will take an assessment based on the information presented.

**No refunds for missed class**
0/35 spots

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