The Best Promotion is Play IN Urbana MD - 02/19/2024 - #4407

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The Best Promotion is Play - $35

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Course description:

Play is one of the most important activities for young children. Children learn through play, they are able to develop cognitive, language, physical, and social skills. Children practice and extend learning through play experiences and develop executive functions and prosocial behaviors. It is important for caregivers to understand the profound effects of play on child development and ways they can support play in their classrooms. When caregivers provide children opportunities for meaningful play, they are creating situations where children develop naturally. This 3-hour Zoom training course is designed to identify the role of play in the child care setting and provide ways that caregivers can support play.

Primary Teacher:
Susan Lichtman

Session Info:
Location Start End
179 - The Goddard School UrbanaFeb/19/2024 09:00 am ESTFeb/19/2024 12:00 pm EST
$35 non-refundable
The Goddard School Urbana
3825 Carriage Hill Dr. , Urbana, MD 21704
Start date:
End date:
This is an on-site training:

The class will start promptly at 9:00 AM. Please be prepared to participate in the class by contributing to large and small group discussions, engaging in activities prepared by the trainer, and answering questions posed by the trainer.

At the end of the class, all participants will take an assessment based on the information presented.

**No refunds for missed class**
0/0 spots

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