Air Quality Index Explanation & Smoke/Fire Maps - post

Air Quality Index Explanation & Smoke/Fire Maps

Air Quality Information and Precautions

Air Quality Index Explanation (USA Today)

( Breaking down Air Quality Index (AQI values) and what they mean:

0-50: Code green air is deemed "good." Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollutants pose little to no risk for human health.

51-100: Code yellow air is considered "moderate." While this air quality is still regarded as "acceptable," some people may begin to experience health impacts, especially those who are sensitive to air pollution.

101-150: Code orange is when the air quality has become unhealthy. This color means concern has reached "unhealthy for sensitive groups." Those who are considered sensitive include those with lung diseases, those who have asthma, older people, children, teenagers and those who are active outdoors, according to the NWS.

151-200: Code red, it is "unhealthy" for everyone. The general public may begin to experience health impacts, while those in sensitive groups will have more serious health effects.

201-300: Code purple is considered "very unhealthy" Health alerts are generally issued during this color, and the health risk has increased for everyone.

300+: Code maroon is the last level and is considered "hazardous." This will usually prompt a health warning, and everyone is likely to be affected.

Use Fire and Smoke Maps to Monitor Conditions (

( Smoke levels can change quickly and significantly during the day. Using the Fire and Smoke Map and understanding the Air Quality Index can help you plan your activities when smoke is in the air. 

Reduce Exposure Outdoors: Take it easier when smoke is in the air to reduce how much smoke you inhale. Limit your outdoor exercise when it is smoky, or choose lower-intensity activities to reduce your smoke exposure. When indoors, take steps to keep your indoor air cool and clean.

Retrieved from EPA Site (Click for full article)


*Archived from ChildCareEd's Constant Contact Newsletter [6.8.2023]

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