One World, Many Cultures! IN ZOOM Classroom - 03/06/2024 - #4508

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One World, Many Cultures! - $25

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Course description:

The concepts of culture and diversity are often intertwined and can become difficult to differentiate. Understanding culture and diversity and the differences between the two, allows educators to consider all aspects of the family and the child in relation to growth and development. When educators can understand how a child’s culture and diversity impact their development, they are better able to support them in ways that are culturally sensitive. In addition, through careful consideration of the family educators can value the importance of providing care to the family as a unit.

Primary Teacher:
Shauna Bastian
Secondary Teacher:
Colleen Hinson

Session Info:
Location Start End
140 - Zoom 3Mar/06/2024 12:00 pm ESTMar/06/2024 02:00 pm EST
$25 non-refundable
Zoom 3
Online Zoom, ZOOM Classroom,
Start date:
End date:
This class will start at 12:00PM and end at 2:00PM.
3/35 spots

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