Building Bridges for Dual Language Learners IN ZOOM Classroom - 01/23/2024 - #4277

Included with Subscription

Building Bridges for Dual Language Learners - $25

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Course description:

In this interactive workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of:

  • Who are Dual Language Learners (DLLs)? We will explore the diverse experiences and needs of DLLs, dispelling common myths and misconceptions.

  • Engaging DLLs in your program: Discover research-based strategies to foster language development, literacy, and social-emotional growth in DLLs, using both their home language and English.

  • Building strong partnerships with families: Learn effective communication techniques to collaborate with families of DLLs, honoring their cultural values and language practices.

  • Creating a culturally responsive environment: Explore ways to celebrate diversity and build a welcoming space where all children feel valued and included.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Define the term "Dual Language Learner" and identify their unique strengths and challenges.

  • Implement engaging activities and strategies to support DLLs' language development across all domains.

  • Develop effective communication and collaboration strategies with families of DLLs.

  • Create a culturally responsive learning environment that celebrates language diversity and promotes inclusion.

Who Should Attend:

This training is designed for family child care providers who want to:

  • Expand their knowledge and skills to better support DLLs in their programs.

  • Create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all children.

  • Build stronger relationships with families of DLLs.

Join us and build bridges for Dual Language Learners in your family child care program!

Additional Information:

  • This course can be offered in a variety of formats, including in-person workshops, online webinars, or blended learning models.

  • Training materials and resources will be provided to all participants.

We look forward to helping you create a thriving learning environment for all children!




Primary Teacher:
Deborah Kim

Session Info:
Location Start End
138 - Zoom 1Jan/23/2024 06:30 pm ESTJan/23/2024 08:30 pm EST
$25 non-refundable
Zoom 1
Online ZOOM , ZOOM Classroom,
Start date:
End date:
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM EST

Students are asked to be present with their cameras on and have audio accessible.
Mics will stay on mute unless prompted to speak.
An electronic device with Google Chrome installed, preferably a laptop or desk computer
Working camera, microphone, and speakers

If you have any technical difficulties, support is available 30 minutes before class starts time and 15 minutes after class starts. You may text or call (301)237-1414.

Please note that a minimum of 5 students are required for the class to proceed. Additional options are given to students when class enrollment is not met.
2/35 spots

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