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Course description:
This 2 hour training course helps teachers find positive ways to deal with children's negative behaviors on the classroom. The training introduces the idea that shifting gears to positive discipline is a bumpy yet worthwhile journey and encourages teachers to individualize their responses to children.
This course has been approved by MSDE Early Childhood Division approval number CKO-380. Subject Area 2 CD
There is a minimum enrollment of 8 students in order for this class to proceed.
Primary Teacher:
Susan Lichtman
Session Info: No Sessions yet, check back soon.
Online ZOOM , ZOOM Classroom,
Zoom Class from 12:30 to 2:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting for class: Shifting Gears to Positive Discipline offered at Online on Zoom RM1 starting 08/28/2020
Meeting ID: 847 4905 0541
Passcode: 24505
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Meeting ID: 847 4905 0541
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