Identify strategies to increase parent involvement in the school-age setting. #5252

Identify strategies to increase parent involvement in the school-age setting.

Increase parent involvement in the school-age setting by implementing effective strategies. Discover ways to communicate with families and foster a stronger connection between parents and child care centers, ultimately enhancing the early childhood education experience.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify strategies to communicate with families & increase parent involvement
  2. Identify health and safety curricular resources for the school-age setting
  3. Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development. Identify strategies for working with children with special needs
  4. Demonstrate understanding of developing strategies for involving parents in the child care setting.
  5. Define self-esteem and identify issues and strategies for support of school age children.
  6. Identify strategies that promote health and wellness for school-aged children.
  7. Identify health and safety curricular resources for the school-age setting.
  8. Identify resources for referral and services for the school-age setting.
  9. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages
  10. Identify appropriate practices for identify and demonstrate an children: Identify importance of individual planning
  11. Identify types of bullying affecting school aged children.
  12. Identify the challenges of developing an appropriate school-age environment.
  13. List and review recommended feeding schedules and identify strategies for introducing new food for children birth through age three
  14. Identify the key elements of environmental design in a school-age program.
  15. Identify strategies to increase scientific inquiry in the infant and toddler classroom
  16. Identify tips and strategies for successful mixed-age group instruction.
  17. Identify strategies and practices for preventing shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma in the child care setting
  18. Describe strategies to support school age childrens language and literacy skills.
  19. Identify the complex array of school settings new teachers will encounter as professionals.
  20. List and review recommended feeding schedules and identifies strategies for introducing new food for children birth through age three

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