Cooking up Success in the Preschool Curriculum IN ZOOM Classroom - 04/29/2024 - #4659

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Cooking up Success in the Preschool Curriculum - $25

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Course description:

This training is designed to empower educators with the knowledge and skills to incorporate cooking activities into their curriculum. The training emphasizes the benefits of cooking for young learners, including cognitive, social, emotional, and motor skill development. Participants will delve into essential aspects of planning and preparing a safe and clean cooking environment, ensuring the well-being of both adults and children. The training also emphasizes the importance of adapting cooking activities to accommodate diverse abilities, dietary needs, and cultural considerations.

Participants will not only gain practical insights into conducting cooking activities but also develop a deeper understanding of how these activities contribute to a holistic and enriching learning experience in the classroom. 


Primary Teacher:
Colleen Hinson

Session Info:
Location Start End
138 - Zoom 1Apr/29/2024 07:30 pm ESTApr/29/2024 09:30 pm EST
$25 non-refundable
Zoom 1
Online ZOOM , ZOOM Classroom,
Start date:
End date:
Calling all childcare superstars! Get ready to dive into your ChildCareEd courses with some Zoom adventures. Here's the lowdown on how to join the party:

Zooming Like a Pro:
Lights, Camera, Action! Be a shining star (virtually, of course) by keeping your camera on and your microphone ready. We need to see your smiling face so we can all connect and learn together. We want to hear your bright ideas and amazing questions! Just remember to mute your mic when you're not talking – we don't want any background concert performances.

Tech Tools for Success:
Grab your trusty laptop or desktop computer with Google Chrome installed. It's like your virtual spaceship for knowledge exploration! Make sure your camera, microphone, and speakers are all working perfectly for a smooth ride (Think of them as your mission control!).

Need a Tech Fix?
Don't worry, space cadets! If you run into any technical troubles, our amazing support team is here to save the day. Just text or call (301)237-1414 30 minutes before class or 15 minutes after.

Just a Few More Details:
We need a minimum of 5 awesome crewmates for the class to launch! If not enough people sign up, you'll get some awesome alternative options.
Remember, missed classes are non-refundable, so buckle up and get ready to learn!

See you soon, childcare superstars!
0/35 spots

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